Süd-West-England Urlaub (EuroKom)
Am 13.01.2009 hatte ich meine EuroKom-Prüfung (Europäische Kommunikationsfähigkeit). Die EuroKom ist Teil der Abschlussprüfung im Fach Englisch, die an Realschulen in Baden-Württemberg in der 10. Klasse durchgeführt wird. Sie besteht unter anderem aus einer Präsentation. Als Thema für diese Präsentation habe ich meinen Urlaub in Süd-West-England im Mai 2008 gewählt. Hier zeige ich nun Bilder und Text.
My holiday in South-West England
I´m going to report about my holidays in Great Britain last year in May. My mother and I spent 10 days travelling through South-West England, which means through the counties Wiltshire, Somerset, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall.
We went by plane to London and rented a car there for our tour. At first it was very difficult for my mum to drive on the left side, especially in the roundabouts, because this was completely strange to her. But after two days she had got used to it and it was no longer a problem.
On the map you can see our route, marked in orange. (London, where our tour started and ended is not on this map, it’s further to the East.) All in all we drove 1100 miles, which corresponds to about 1800 km. The orange numbers show the places we stayed for the night. We stayed at bed & breakfast houses, which we looked for every day in the evening. We were quite lucky with the weather. It was mostly sunny and warm, one day was foggy and one day it rained.
We took a lot of photos, altogether about 3000. By the way: Photography is a hobby of mine and one of my mothers´ too. The following photos represent some of the highlights of our journey.
1 Bowood House & Garden (Wiltshire)
The beautiful Britisch Gardens are world-famous. Bowood Garden was the first garden we visited. We loved the various blooming flowers and the green lawns. I especially liked the tranquil lake.
Website: Bowood House | Wikipedia: Bowood House | Google Maps: Bowood House
2 Exmoor National Park (Devon)
The National Park areas are very sparsely populated. There are a lot of sheep and also semi wild horses, which are not fenced in. We stepped up a hill and had a great view over the sea.
Website: Exmoor Nat.Park | Wikipedia: Exmoor Nat. Park | Google Maps: Exmoor Nat. Park
3 Tintagel (Cornwall)
The Castle, which is in ruins, was the fortress used by King Arthur in long gone days. Walking to Tintagel Castle is a breathtaking experience, but worthwhile. We were captured in the beauty of the rugged coastline. If you visit Cornwall you must visit Tintagel to enjoy such wonderful scenery.
Website: Tintagel |Wikipedia: Tintagel | Google Maps: Tintagel
4 Bedruthan Steps (Cornwall)
We had stayed for the night very close to this sight. So we were the first people there in the morning. We were lucky, because it was low tide, when we came there. So it was possible to walk on the wet sand between the rocks, which was most impressive. It was a very special atmosphere there on the foggy morning. When we walked back to the steps up the cliffs the water had started coming in again, and we had to find our way without getting wet feet.
Website: Bedruthan Steps | Wikipedia: Bedruthan Steps | Google Maps: Bedtruthan Steps
5 Lizard Point (Cornwall)
Another highlight was Lizard Point, which is the most southern point of Great Britain. We visited Lizard Point at the end of a rainy day. I enjoyed the sun coming out over the sea. Over the land there still were dark clouds, over the see blue sky. The fascinating coastline with flowers and sea gulls.
Website: Lizard Point | Wikipedia: Lizard Point | Google Maps: Lizard Point
6 Dartmoor National Park (Devon)
Dartmoor is a very exceptional landscape well worth to be visited. Dartmoor is famous for its rocks. I liked to climb on the rocks and jump down.
The ground in the moor is so wet, even on the hills. When you step on the grass, water comes out.
Website: Dartmoor Nat. Park | Wikipedia: Dartmoor Nat.Park | Google Maps: Dartmoor Nat. Park
7 Lyme Bay – From Exmouth to Portland (Devon & Dorset)
The Cliffs along the south coast have many different colours, varying from red over dark grey to white.
Website: Lyme Bay | Wikipedia: Lyme Bay | Google Maps: Lyme Bay
8 Chesil Beach near Weymouth (Dorset)
Chesil Beach was a real surprise to us. We had not read about it in any guide book. It is a natural 23 kilometers long beach with pebbles. We parked the car on a big parking place next to the bank. It was such a huge scenery! I was impressed by the deep noise that the rolling pebbles produced when the waves came in an went out again.
This place perhaps was THE highlight of the whole journey!
Website: Chesil Beach | Wikipedia: Chesil Beach | Google Maps: Chesil Beach
9 Durdle Door near Lulworth (Dorset)
That was our last day at the sea front. It was a lovely sunny day. The hole in the rock is named “Durdle Door”. It was quite a long footpath we had to take to get there. And it was worthwhile, as you can see on the photos. Here the cliffs are white.
Website: Durdle Door | Wikipedia: Durdle Door | Google Maps: Durdle Door
I can really recommend South-West-England for a holiday. I hope you enjoyed my presentation. If you have any questions, don´t hesitate to ask me
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Hey Tilo !
Hast du echt spitze gemacht !
Astreine Arbeit.
Mach weiter so !
Gruss ShOrTy :-)
Hi Tilo, ich finde, dass unsere Bilder so super zur Geltung kommen! Ich sitze davor und freu mich dran! Ich wünsch dir viele begeisterte Besucher auf deiner Blog-Seite! Familieninterne Grüße!
Hi Tilo!
Hab erst mal nur kurz "drüber" geschaut. Macht einen tollen Eindruck. Werde wieder kommen, und mir alle Bilder und Text am Abend in Ruhe anschauen. Dann auch mehr Feedback – OK?
Hi Tilo,
…nice job.
A very interested and informative Text about your Trip.
see you next time
Hi Tilo,
klasse Arbeit, ich würde dir eine 1 mit Stern geben. Tolle Fotos und die Idee mit dem langsamen Durchlaufen der Bilder ist genial, wirkt wie eine Meditation. Ich werde noch öfter bei dir vorbeischauen (Tipp kam von deiner Mutter).
Gruß vom Bodensee – Claudia
Hallo Tilo,
ich habe den Link von Deiner Mutter bekommen, nachdem sie mir vorher bereits ein paar ausgesuchte Fotos geschickt hatte. Ich bin wirklich begeistert, weil man merkt, dass Dir das Fotografieren Spaß macht. Dadruch hast Du den richtigen "Blick".
Das Anschauen, Durchblättern und Verweilen macht wirklich Spaß,
viele Grüße aus München,
Hallo, deine Präsentation ist wirklich prima. Wir wollen auch unseren Englandurlaub als euro com Prüfung machen. Hast du das Thema noch irgendwann verwendet? Bei der fächerübergreifenden Kompetenzprüfung? Oder was hast du da für ein Thema? Wo finde noch mehr euro com Prüfungen?
Liebe Grüße und eine gute Prüfung
Renate Holzwarth
Hallo Renate.
Dankeschön. Müsst ihr die EuroKom zu zweit machen oder warum schreibst du "Wir"? Ich habe das Them nur für die EuroKom verwendet. In der Fächerübergreifende Kompetenzprüfung (FüK) habe ich das Thema "Entstehung und Folgen von Naturkatastrophen". Die FüK muss ich erst im Mai 09 vortragen. Wo du weitere EuroKom Prüfungen findest, weiß ich nicht.
Lieben Gruß, Tilo
[…] West England: We stayed At Bed & Breakfast Houses I´m going to report about my holidays in Great Britain last year in May. My mother and I spent 10 days travelling through South-West England, which means through the counties Wiltshire, Somerset, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall. […]
hallo tilo,
Habe vor ein paar jahren ebenfalls mit einer kleinen reisegruppe u.a. den chesil-beach besucht.
Ist wirklich unglaublich wie der liebe gott hier "gelandscaped" hat. Ich suche aber immer noch nach einer erklärung warum am westlichen ende des strandes die kiesel kartoffelgröße haben und sie gegen das östliche ende auf erbesengröße schrumpfen.
irgendeinen tip? Herzliche grüße aus mainz
Zum einen finde ich deinen Blog richtig Gut und zum zweiten bin ich jetzt echt am Überlegen ob ich nicht mal dorthin möchte ;)